

Somewhere in Europe


  • 片名:欧洲的某个地方
  • 状态:更新至1集
  • 主演:Artúr Somlay/Miklós Gábor/Zsuzsa Bánki
  • 导演:Radványi Géza
  • 年份:1948
  • 地区:匈牙利
  • 分类:剧情
  • 时长:100 分钟 / 1
  • 首映:1948-11-19
  • 语言:匈牙利语
  • 更新:2024-04-24 21:02
  • 豆瓣:7.4
  • 简要:In a remote area, the war has ended. In destroyed cities and houses on the streets, in small rural villages, and in places where people still live, there are children who have lost their homes and parents. They were abandoned, hungry, dressed in rags, defenseless, humiliated, and wandered around the world. Hunger drives them. The orphan's stream merged into a river and rushed forward, drowning everything along the way. The children have no feelings; They only know the enemy's world. They fight, steal, and compete for a bite of food, while violence is only a means of obtaining food. A group led by Kahorn found refuge in an abandoned castle and met an old composer who voluntarily retired lonely from a world of hatred, treason, and crime. How do they find common ground and become common friends? The castle became their hiding place, but it could also be their first home, and they could organize and must defend it. But even so, the price will still be very high. For this simple story, B é la Bal á zs, a journalist, writer, poet, screenwriter, film director and film theorist, has used years of experience. He and director G é za Radv á nyi created a work that opened a new chapter in post-war Hungarian cinema. Surprisingly, this film has not lost any influence over the years, especially in terms of profound philosophical aspects. That is to say, this is not just a movie about war; It doesn't matter where and at what time it happened. This is a story beyond time, telling the unfortunate fate of children who have paid a high price for the cruel war games played by adults. At its premiere, the film received a warm welcome from the critics. The main characters are played by street boys from a children's group, who have close contact with some professional actors and improvise their own characters. In the children's performances, their own new experiences of war turmoil seem to be reflected. At the same time, their performance admirably incorporates a very complex film language. Most importantly, Balz's influence was revealed in his opening remarks: an air raid on an amusement park, in a dramatic montage setting, evoking the last moment of war, where we undoubtedly saw the influence of Soviet classic film photography. Shooting, the boy's escape, the wheels of the locomotive, the shadow of the soldier holding a submachine gun, the whistle - these images are connected in a sudden order, emphasizing different shots and expressive sharp sounds. A carefully planned script avoids all sentimental elements, outdated stereotypes of wronged children, romanticism, and cheap simplification. The authors have successfully bridged the dangerous and dramatic abyss of the transformation of children's communities. Their stories (robbery scenes, attacks on castles, etc.) independently introduced some neorealism elements, which were being spread in Italy by Desica, Rossellini and other film artists at that time. The condemnation of contemporary critics, They called for people's attention "; formalism itself; has been forgotten. The superb art of photographer Barnab á s Hegyi has given vitality to poetic images. His shooting from the perspective of children and his composition of scenes inside the castle are vivid records of the times, highlighting the atmosphere and personality of the protagonist. The success of this film also benefits from the music art of composer D é nes Buday, who inserted the theme of Marseillaise into the end of the film under tension Construction, as a motivation for community unity, as an expression of friendship and understanding possibilities. Europolice "was the first important Hungarian film after the war. It originated from a relaxed atmosphere, filled with joy and pleasure, which includes these elements to showcase the power of humanitarianism, tolerance, and friendship. It represents a universal condemnation of any form of war anywhere in the world.
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  • 欧洲的某个地方 图1
  • 欧洲的某个地方 图2
  • 欧洲的某个地方 图3
  • 欧洲的某个地方 图4
  • 欧洲的某个地方 图5


In a remote area, the war has ended. In destroyed cities and houses on the streets, in small rural villages, and in places where people still live, there are children who have lost their homes and parents. They were abandoned, hungry, dressed in rags, defenseless, humiliated, and wandered around the world. Hunger drives them. The orphan's stream merged into a river and rushed forward, drowning everything along the way. The children have no feelings; They only know the enemy's world. They fight, steal, and compete for a bite of food, while violence is only a means of obtaining food. A group led by Kahorn found refuge in an abandoned castle and met an old composer who voluntarily retired lonely from a world of hatred, treason, and crime. How do they find common ground and become common friends? The castle became their hiding place, but it could also be their first home, and they could organize and must defend it. But even so, the price will still be very high. For this simple story, B é la Bal á zs, a journalist, writer, poet, screenwriter, film director and film theorist, has used years of experience. He and director G é za Radv á nyi created a work that opened a new chapter in post-war Hungarian cinema. Surprisingly, this film has not lost any influence over the years, especially in terms of profound philosophical aspects. That is to say, this is not just a movie about war; It doesn't matter where and at what time it happened. This is a story beyond time, telling the unfortunate fate of children who have paid a high price for the cruel war games played by adults. At its premiere, the film received a warm welcome from the critics. The main characters are played by street boys from a children's group, who have close contact with some professional actors and improvise their own characters. In the children's performances, their own new experiences of war turmoil seem to be reflected. At the same time, their performance admirably incorporates a very complex film language. Most importantly, Balz's influence was revealed in his opening remarks: an air raid on an amusement park, in a dramatic montage setting, evoking the last moment of war, where we undoubtedly saw the influence of Soviet classic film photography. Shooting, the boy's escape, the wheels of the locomotive, the shadow of the soldier holding a submachine gun, the whistle - these images are connected in a sudden order, emphasizing different shots and expressive sharp sounds. A carefully planned script avoids all sentimental elements, outdated stereotypes of wronged children, romanticism, and cheap simplification. The authors have successfully bridged the dangerous and dramatic abyss of the transformation of children's communities. Their stories (robbery scenes, attacks on castles, etc.) independently introduced some neorealism elements, which were being spread in Italy by Desica, Rossellini and other film artists at that time. The condemnation of contemporary critics, They called for people's attention "; formalism itself; has been forgotten. The superb art of photographer Barnab á s Hegyi has given vitality to poetic images. His shooting from the perspective of children and his composition of scenes inside the castle are vivid records of the times, highlighting the atmosphere and personality of the protagonist. The success of this film also benefits from the music art of composer D é nes Buday, who inserted the theme of Marseillaise into the end of the film under tension Construction, as a motivation for community unity, as an expression of friendship and understanding possibilities. Europolice "was the first important Hungarian film after the war. It originated from a relaxed atmosphere, filled with joy and pleasure, which includes these elements to showcase the power of humanitarianism, tolerance, and friendship. It represents a universal condemnation of any form of war anywhere in the world.


  • 攻击
    7.8战争 / 美国 / 杰克·帕兰斯,埃迪·艾伯特,李·马文


  • 诅咒
    8.0犯罪 / 匈牙利 / 瓦莉·凯赖凯什,乔治·切豪尔米,久洛·保尔
  • 翻滚吧!阿信
    7.4运动 / 中国台湾 / 彭于晏,柯宇纶,林辰唏,潘丽丽,陈汉典,龙劭华,夏靖庭,李翌辰,李冠毅
  • 再造淑女
    8.4喜剧 / 美国 / 凯伦·吉兰,约翰·赵,山姆·莱文,吉莲·韦格曼,大卫·哈雷伍德,提姆·皮裴
  • 阿唐奇遇
    7.0冒险 / 中国大陆 / 石磊,原泽宇,季冠霖,洪晃,米粒,芒莱,张磊,赵岭,严燕生
  • 给我一支烟
    7.6爱情 / 中国大陆 / 张歆艺,张铎,梁静,隋俊波,赵蕾,桑叶红,戴军,丁志城,郭鹏
  • 从天而降的一亿颗星星
    8.3悬疑 / 日本 / 木村拓哉,深津绘里,柴崎幸,井川遥,明石家秋刀鱼,森下爱子,金子贵俊,田山凉成,八岛智人
  • 乡情
    7.4剧情 / 中国大陆 / 黄小雷,任冶湘,吴文华,王进,黄锦裳
  • 惊异传奇 第一季
    7.8奇幻 / 美国 / 查尔斯·德恩,Douglas Seale,路易斯·基亚姆布拉沃,Sharon Spelman,J·J·科恩,保罗·巴特尔,杰夫·科恩,Dana Gladstone,塔利辛·贾夫
  • 躲避的爱
    6.3剧情 / 波兰 / 玛达琳娜·波扎斯卡,Julia Pogrebinska,托马斯·科特,克里斯托多夫·斯特林斯基,雅采克·布拉茨亚克,阿伽塔·库莱沙,普泽米斯劳·布卢兹茨,Maciej Mikolajczyk,马切伊·马杰斯基
  • 生死大营救
    6.9犯罪 / 中国大陆 / 陈刚,朱宏嘉,刘丹,苏青,余皑磊,王奕盛,赵岩,卢星宇,张衣
  • 小熊历险记
    1963喜剧 / 美国 / Rex Allen,Joe Way
  • 葬送的芙莉莲
    10.0冒险 / 日本 / 种崎敦美,冈本信彦,东地宏树,上田耀司
  • 拖拉机司机
    2015动画 / 中国大陆 /
  • 盗梦空间
    9.4冒险 / 美国,英国 / 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥,约瑟夫·高登-莱维特,艾利奥特·佩吉,汤姆·哈迪,渡边谦,迪利普·劳,基里安·墨菲,汤姆·贝伦杰,玛丽昂·歌迪亚
  • 狼人拜恩
    4.3奇幻 / 美国 / 杰瑞米·伦敦,克里斯蒂·卡尔森·罗曼诺,杨茜·巴特勒,马克·达卡斯考斯,雷特·盖尔斯
  • 霹雳雷电
    6.3冒险 / 中国香港 / 麦德罗,莫少聪,陈观泰,梁小熊,韩国材,谷峰,刘玉璞,廖丽玲,杨菁菁