如意追剧嗅觉神探 第二季

嗅觉神探 第二季第4集

8.4全8集 / 2015年乌克兰悬疑海外剧嗅觉神探 第二季无删减完整版在线观看


嗅觉神探 第二季
  • 嗅觉神探 第二季

  • 片名:嗅觉神探 第二季
  • 状态:全8集
  • 主演:基里尔·卡罗/Ivan Oganesyan/Mariya Anikanova/Agne Grudite/谢尔盖·尤什克维奇/Nikolay Chindaykin/Nina Gogaeva/丹尼斯·马蒂诺夫
  • 导演:Artem Litvinenko
  • 年份:2015
  • 地区:乌克兰
  • 分类:剧情/悬疑/犯罪
  • 时长:52分钟
  • 首映:2015-10-05(乌克兰)
  • 语言:俄语
  • 更新:2024-04-23 12:41
  • 豆瓣:8.4
  • 简要:They called him the 'sniffer'. He is a proud owner with an exceptionally keen sense of smell. He can detect the things you urgently want to conceal about you. He will look for a needle in a haystack. Never doubt his extraordinary skills! But the fact is that his sense of smell is both a gift and a curse. This guy can solve the mystery by smelling it, but what happens when countless odors forcibly enter his private life? Let's put it this way - he's not a happy camper. The second season of this successful drama series is even more captivating, full of complex crimes! A new mystery has emerged and runs through the entire season. In addition, a new female character has joined the team. Who she is and how she changes the protagonist's life is another plot for the new season.


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  • 人民公仆 第一季
    9.0喜剧 / 乌克兰 / 弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基,Vladyslav Dmytrenko,鲍里斯·阿布拉莫夫,Anastasiya Chepelyuk,斯坦尼斯拉夫·波克琅,Viktor Saraykin,Nataliya Sumskaya,Ekaterina Kisten,Elena Kravets